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Is there a health economic study showing that Cutimed Sorbact reduces the cost of treating chronic wounds?
In general, this is a challenging task: Chronic wounds are so varied and different factors have a significant impact on healing. As a result, health economic evaluations need to focus on a very specific type of wound. Due to the complexity and diversity of chronic wounds, large numbers of patients are needed to obtain a valid result. A clear focus on a specific type of wound and the need for a large number of patients makes it even more complex. Such a study will take a long time to complete. Finally, costs such as labour, hospital accommodation and product costs vary so much from country to country.

However, K. Williams published a paper in 2022 on the implementation of a pathway to improve wound infection care by the Leeds Community Healthcare Trust. By introducing Cutimed® Sorbact® as a first line treatment, they were able to reduce antimicrobial spend by 14.3% and perform 650 fewer wound swabs, equating to a reduction in spend of £11,719.50.